
Silene hybrida

Rosalyn is a first year flowering perennial that produces a profusion of small bright-rose lacy flowers on perfectly shaped uniform globular plants. Being an interspecific hybrid, it can adapt to a wider range of climate conditions compared to other Silenes.

  • First year flowering perennial

  • Bright-rose lacy flowers

  • Attractive to pollinators

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Life cycle: perennial, USDA Zones 5-9
Use: pots, containers, garden bed, landscape
Height in pot: 30 cm (12”)
Pot size: 10-15 cm (4-6”) pots
Garden height: 35-40 cm (14-16”)
Garden spread: 40-50 cm (16-20”)
Seed count: 3.000-3.500 s/gram (85.000-99.000 s/oz)
Seed form: raw

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