Professional methodologyTrial field
10.000 square metersquare meter
Cleaning & testing
The highest standardstandard
High-quality packaging
Flower seeds for professional ornamental growers
Selling to seed distributors and young plant producers all over the world
Hem Genetics, a 100% subsidiary of Hem Zaden BV., develops varieties and produces pot and bedding plant seed for the professional ornamental horticulture industry. We have around 500 varieties in our product range, including several Fleuroselect and All America Selections award winners.
Our breeding company supplies seed distributors and growers all over the world who are looking for exceptional varieties for the environmentally responsible production of high-quality ornamental plants. You will find full details of our product range in the Hem Genetics catalogue.
Continuous development
Our breeders work constantly on developing new products.
Check out our latest novelties here.
Committed to sustainable cultivation
At Hem Genetics we specialise in developing compact varieties that reduce the use of chemical plant growth regulators (PGRs). Our naturally dwarf varieties, which come with the “Low Grow Approved” logo, need no PGRs at all, making them ideal for more sustainable production. Examples are our dwarf petunias Limbo and Mambo, geranium Nano, salvia Reddy and cineraria Quicksilver. Hem Genetics is one of the few breeding companies in the world to develop and market F1 bedding plant varieties that stay naturally compact. We are committed to creating environmentally responsible concepts such as these, as we regard this as an important step towards making both the ornamental horticulture sector and the world in general more sustainable.